Thursday, May 21, 2020
If We Were to Overthrow the Current Political System, What...
It is very hard to find a political philosopher who is able to give a complete and fulfilling explanation of society. Theories are simply models to first analyze and then improve society. Hence, since many variables affect them, they are not objective, neither are all-encompassing. It is also necessary to draw a distinction between concrete solutions, which could be valid in real life, and desirable solutions, which could be imprecise relatively to some starting conditions. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that the role of policymakers is not to define factual rules just to maintain the status quo. Since they should vote laws with the purpose of improving our lives, only a normative, and even utopian, conception can change the†¦show more content†¦Some of them came up with impressive ideas which are still debated today. Even though some theories may seem more effective, they all show both fine and pointless arguments. However, reproducing reality dynamics, through a philosophical theory, results impossible because in the real world many variables contribute to create a complex system. Rousseau starts assuming that human beings are better than how others philosophers, like Hobbes and Locke, describe them. They depict human beings in the state of nature on the influence of their conception of society. Hobbes, for instance, lived at the time of the civil war, which caused the death of many friends of his. In this paradisiacal state of nature provided by Rousseau, men are neither good nor bad. They live on their own; they are compassionate with others and have enough resources for what they desire. However, human beings do not accept to live alone for a long time. Once their needs and difficulties increased, interactions become more difficult. Culture derives from interactions, precisely different cultures which do not overlap exactly. For the first time, men experience selfishness, caused either by their desires or by worries about reputation. When men say â€Å"This is mine†, which means to invent the concept of property, conflicts start. Society and property, two concepts strictly linked, are considered the original sin. Property leads to ambition, corruptionShow MoreRelatedRadical and Reform Movements in American History1999 Words  | 8 Pagesof states rights. However, it quickly escalated into an issue of the legality and morality of slavery and once that was deemed amoral and illegal, the overthrow of the system that benefited from the institution the most was attacked. Consequently, the movement that responded to that overthrow sought to change the reasons for the radical overthrow. This response or rather reform manifested itself the Civil Rights Movement (1890s-1920). 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