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Monday, August 24, 2020
Analysis of Organisational Culture at Google The WritePass Journal
Examination of Organizational Culture at Google 1.Introduction Examination of Organizational Culture at Google 1.Introduction2. Authoritative Background3. Analysis3.1 Data collection3.2 Theories applied4. ParadigmOrganizational Perception Interpretation4.1 Burrell Morgan’s Sociological Paradigms Sociological Paradigms 4.2 Definition of Organizational Culture with Google culture4.3 Evaluation of Google hierarchical culture on the Cultural Dimension Theory4.3.1-Power Distance4.3.2 - Individualism4.3.3 - Masculinity 4.3.4 - Uncertainty Avoidance Index4.3.5 - Long term orientation5. Assessment of Google authoritative culture on Edgar Schein’s Three degrees of Culture5.1 Artifacts:5.2 Espoused Values:5.3 Basic Assumptions and Values:6. Reactions 6.1 Cultural measurement theory:6.2 Sociological Paradigm: Conclusion ReferencesRelated 1.Introduction Breaking down an association is close to concentrating first its beginning its adages and convictions and the future it holds for the general public that it dwells in. For most organizations, an association is neither a science nor a workmanship; it’s a paradoxical expression. It's anything but an outcome from orderly, deliberate arranging at the same time, molded more by governmental issues than by strategies. In any case, seeing an association from a basic perspective would dominate all the turn of events and innovation that numerous associations have added to our general public. In the expressions of Walt Disney prime supporter of the Walt Disney Company expresses that â€Å"Whatever we achieve is because of the joined exertion. The association must be with you or you dont complete it In my association there is regard for each person, and we as a whole have a sharp regard for the public†. The creator has decided to discuss the Google culture from an Interpretivism point of view as she filled in as an Ad Words Representative for the association. 2. Authoritative Background Google Inc an American open company wins its returns essentially from its publicizing which is identified with its Internet search, email, web based mapping, office profitability, informal communication, and video sharing. Google is definitely not a regular organization and with no expectation to become one either. All through Google’s advancement as a secretly held organization they have consistently done it another way, where the accentuation is laid on the imagination and challenge of its kin which has brought about giving unprejudiced, exact and free access data for its clients. The beginning of this association starts with its prime supporters Larry Page and Sergey Bin graduated class of Stanford University where it was fused as a secretly held association on September 4, 1998 and afterward was moved to open possession on August nineteenth 2004. The association is all around spread across beginning from the Head office in Mountain View California, with a portion of its auxiliaries being India, United Kingdom, Germany, Brazil, Czech Republic, Poland, South Africa, and so forth. With roughly 20,000 representatives working for this association it has been casted a ballot by Fortune Magazine as ‘The Best Company’ to work for the second time in February 2008. 3. Examination 3.1 Data assortment The examination of the association is finished concerning the Indian auxiliary that is geologically situated in the south of India-Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.â The creator filled in as an As Words agent for the association. The information assortment for this investigation depends on an emotional and target viewpoint, the abstract information being the author’s perceptions, observations and encounters, and the goal being what is imparted and accepted inside the association throughout the years. The creator relates the investigations to the one year work understanding, work connections, work atmosphere and culture, preparing and assessment techniques which was picked up and experienced at the association. The creator likewise takes into check the quality of the workforce and the noteworthy office in worry in which the creator was a mean and worked for. The quality of the workforce noted to be a precise number of a 1000 representatives for the year 2007-2008 who worked for this auxiliary taking care of the Online Sales Operation for Asia Pacific, with Ad Words being the principle income creating item other than that of Ad Sense. 3.2 Theories applied The investigation of the association has been done on the transformational factor, Organizational culture, with a relationship to that of the author’s worldview on Burrell Morgan’s Sociological Paradigms and Organizational Analysis, Heinemann, 1979 . Geert Hofstede’s ‘Cultural measurements theory’ has been utilized as the principle model of investigation, be that as it may, to move past the national culture measurement and towards the associations levels of culture Edgar Schein’s ‘Three levels of culture’ has additionally been applied. Burrell Morgan’s Sociological Paradigms gives a viewpoint of the author’s quadrant of observation on the organization. Moreover, the focal point of study is from a radical humanistic perspective, the creator falls under this worldview accepting that change starts with person. The underneath given investigation additionally covers the originators perspective on hierarchical culture which is bolstered by the meeting with Fortune Magazine. 4. Worldview Authoritative Perception Interpretation 4.1 Burrell Morgan’s Sociological Paradigms Understanding that the paper requires a progressively engaged and explicit investigation Burrell Morgan’s Sociological Paradigms and Organizational Analysis, Heinemann, 1979 standards has been applied as this synchronic model bodes well, which it spots to time measurement on the examination and comprehension of associations. It tends to be appreciated that a worldview is a focal point through which we see the world, every focal point giving their own significance and suspicions about the idea of the world and the manner in which it is should be appeared well and good of.â There are a wide range of focal points, which exist for review and understanding the world, and what follows will be a fundamental disentanglement of a complex and continually moving arrangement of limits that characterize the present ideal models (Penny cook, A. 2001). Clarifying Burrell Morgan’s Theory it is created by a 22 network plan to help characterize and comprehend existing sociological hypo theses dependent on four significant ideal models. The framework was organized dependent on the four principle banters in human science, which was then additionally solidified into two basic issues that structure the hub of the 22 grid. Sociological Paradigms Functionalist Paradigm (target guideline): Individuals in this worldview rest upon the reason that society has a genuine solid presence and a methodical character and is coordinated toward the creation of request and guideline. The sociology undertaking is accepted to be target and worth free. This worldview have a down to earth direction, it is worried about understanding society such that produces helpful, usable information. (Craig Paul, 1991) Interpretive Paradigm (abstract guideline): From this viewpoint, social reality, in spite of the fact that having request and guideline, never understands an outer solid structure. Rather it is the result of between abstract understanding. The objective of this worldview is of building up a simply ‘objective’ sociology is a credible one. (Craig Paul, 1991) Radical Humanist Paradigm (abstract radical change). The observation in this worldview shares its suspicions with that of the interpretive worldview that ordinary the truth is socially built and kept up. Scholars in this worldview are predominantly worried about discharging social requirements that limit human potential. They consider the to be prevailing philosophies as isolating individuals from their actual selves. (Craig Paul, 1991) Radical Structuralist Paradigm (Objective Radical change): This worldview accepts that social the truth is viewed as to a great extent free of the manner in which it is socially developed. It has its very own outside presence. The social world is highlighted by characteristic pressures and inconsistencies; these powers serve to realize radical change in the social framework all in all (Craig Paul, 1991). The ideal models relate to hypotheses of associations, that which exists together representing and communicating affirming and conflicting perspectives about what and association is and what it is should be and how might we approach obtaining such information. Figure 1 Sociological Paradigms Subsequent to having being regulated the Sociological Paradigm poll, the author’s worldview was built up as being on the Interpretivist Paradigm of the Quadrant. Albeit, an extreme humanist may share the suspicion that ordinary the truth is socially developed and kept up with that of the interpretive worldview, this social development is tied to’ pathology of consciousness’, a circumstance wherein the creator gets herself a detainee of the social world that she makes (Craig Paul, 1991). Be that as it may, too said by David Collins (1996), understanding the person’s worldview from a poll can't give the individual the correct perspective on which worldview we fall in as its simply straightforward exercise and the peruser comprehension and mind-set by then of welcomes a major effect in transit the peruser responds to the inquiry. Thusly, however this assessment may give the creators worldview further investigation on different events would help affirm the assessment. 4.2 Definition of Organizational Culture with Google culture Louis, (1980) characterizes culture as a comprehension or implications shared by a gathering of individuals. Also Edgar Schein goes somewhat further and clarifies authoritative culture as â€Å"apattern of shared fundamental suspicions that the gathering scholarly as it tackled its issues of outer adjustment and interior mix that has functioned admirably enough to be viewed as legitimate and, in this manner, to be instructed to new individuals as the right way yo
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Britney Spears. by Britney Spears free essay sample
Ok, Britney Spears. Where do I at any point start? The vast majority think she isn't capable or that she is a horrendous mother or that she is one of the most exceedingly terrible good examples. In any case, none of these things matter to me. Indeed, a portion of the choices that she has made aren't right, yet by what other method would you say you should learn? A large portion of the specialists nowadays don’t have numerous gifts, yet what makes a difference is their specialty with their abilities. Do they love doing what they do? Do they value their fans? I accept that these are for the most part factors which matter with regards to a melodic entertainer. In the wake of going to her show, Britney Spears addressed â€Å"yes†to the entirety of my inquiries. At the point when my mother revealed to me we got tickets, I cried. Obviously, we held up until the last moment to get tickets, so this was considerably all the more a rush for me. We will compose a custom exposition test on Britney Spears. by Britney Spears or then again any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Yet, that was just the start. While in transit to the show, there was packed in rush hour gridlock for a significant distance. The second I escaped the vehicle, I heard individuals reciting, I saw individuals spruced up and I promptly realized I was at long last there. Entering the venue the commotion just got stronger and stronger with each progression I took. The lines at the show were crazy. I’ve never been to an increasingly swarmed or blocked spot previously. Be that as it may, you can simply feel joy and cheerful dispositions in the breeze of the air. At long last, when I got to my seats I felt the adrenaline travel through my veins. The lights went off, and she showed up. The primary melody started. Toward each path I looked, I saw fans shouting, singing, chuckling, and making the most of her show. The techno-like beats out of sight impacted and her insane verses simply made me need to get up and move. At the point when I move, nothing hinders me. I disregard this prese nt reality and simply let free; and that’s what her music does to me. At the point when she began to move and sing, I moved and sang with her, alongside the remainder of the group. For each extraordinary outfit she changed into and each scene change that was masterminded, I whipped out my camera to ensure I would have a memory of it. I recollect the couple sitting close to me continued taking a gander at me and grinning to my mom since they understood the amount I valued the seats. They weren’t the best seats on the planet, however it was a Britney Spears show! At the point when she played out her last tune and vanished, the group went insane to express gratitude toward her for her superb show. At the point when the lights didn’t go on, that’s when I went insane, on the grounds that I knew they’re would have been a reprise. She expressed her final words and her farewell was waved. I will always remember that day, the day I went to a Britney Spears show.
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Can Renting a Car Affect Your Credit
Can Renting a Car Affect Your Credit Can Renting a Car Affect Your Credit? Can Renting a Car Affect Your Credit?Has anyone ever told you that you should always use a credit card to rent a car instead of a debit card? Your credit score is one of the reasons why.Sometimes, it can feel like just looking at someone the wrong way could end up dinging your credit score. And while that’s obviously an exaggeration, it is true that all manner of financial transactions and general behaviors can end up affecting your credit.But is renting a car one of them? Well, if you thought this was one of those urban credit score myths, we have some news for you Yes, renting a car can affect your credit score.In short: Yeah. And whats more, the effect will probably be negative.But here’s the good news: The damage to your score will be minimal. Only in rare circumstances would renting a car cause significant harm to your score. (More on that later in the post.)Here’s more good news: Any effect on your score can be easily avoided using this one simple trick (that isn’t actu ally a trick at all). All you need to do is use your credit card to rent the car instead of a debit card.Why you should rent cars with credit, not debit.Most rental car agencies want a credit card for the method of payment,†explained Todd Christensen, education manager for Money Fit by DRS, Inc. (@MoneyFitbyDRS). “It provides additional security in case of accidents or incidental damage to the vehicle.â€â€œThey may think that because you aren’t using a credit card you may not even have oneâ€"perhaps because your credit is too low,†added Jake McKenzie, content manager at Auto Accessories Garage (@aagarage).“This may cause the rental company to check your credit via what FICO calls a ‘hard inquiry.’ This inquiry can, in fact, ding your credit by five points or more.â€If you have good credit, then a temporary “ding†of five points or so won’t be much to worry about. Then again, folks with good credit probably have plenty of room on their credit cards to rent th e car in the first place. They dont need to use a debit card!For people with bad credit, things can get a bit dicier. Not only will they end up with a hard inquiry docking their already lousy score, but there’s the chance that their rental application could be deniedâ€"meaning they dinged their score for nothing!If you have a credit card (that’s not maxed out), and you are renting a car, you should use that card to rent it instead of using a debit card. It’s really just that simple.Except that its not. After all, bad credit renters are also less likely to have a credit card that they can use to rent a car, leaving with little-to-no choice in the matter. Living with a bad credit score can be tough in any number of ways. It’s not surprising, then, that renting a car is one of them!Here’s how credit scores work.When you rent a car with a debit card and the rental company runs a “hard check†on your credit, that check is recorded on your credit report and ends up getting factored into your score.Credit reports are documents compiled by the three major credit bureausâ€"Experian, TransUnion, and Equifaxâ€"that track your history as a credit user. Most information stays on your report for seven years, but some information can stay on your report for longer.Your credit score is based on the information in those reports. And since information can vary between your different credit reports, that means that your credit score can vary depending on which report is used to calculate it.The most common type of credit score is also the oldest: Your FICO score. This is a three digit number ranging from 300 to 850. The higher your score the better, with 680 being the rough cut off for “good†credit.There are other types of credit scores. The three credit bureaus, for instance, got together to create a score called VantageScore. But since this score is also based on the info contained in your credit reports, it won’t often vary widely from your FICO score.O ne way that renting a car could really hurt your score.Recent credit inquiries are one of five major factors in how your credit score is calculated. This is the category that hard credit checks fall into. However, it’s one of the least important factors, which is why renting a car with a debit card will only ding your score.The two most important factors are your payment history and your amounts owed. Your payment history makes up 35 percent of your total score and your payment history makes up an additional 30 percent. Together, they comprise a whopping 65 percent of your credit score.Which brings us to the other way that renting a car could affect your credit.“As with most accounts, if any fees or charges from the car rental agency are not paid, they may end up being sold to a collection agency, which would then show up on your credit report as a negative,†explained Christensen.If you have a good credit score, then the odds are good that you don’t have any accounts that h ave been sent to collections. That’s because having a collection account added to your credit report can really hurt your score.The reason that payment history is the number one factor in determining your score is that, well, businesses really like working with people who will pay their bills on time. So if you rent a car, it’s critically important that you pay all the related fees and expenses on time. Otherwise, your score could end up taking a major hit.And if that news comes as a surprise to you, well, we have some other posts and articles from OppLoans that you should probably read:6 Great Reasons To Check Your Credit ReportHow to Raise Your Credit Score by 100 PointsWill Closing a Credit Card Affect Your Credit Score?How to Build Credit When You Have No Credit at AllDo you have a personal finance question youd like us to answer? Let us know! You can find us on Facebook and Twitter. | InstagramContributorsAuthor and Accredited Financial Counselor ®, Todd R. Christen sen, MIM, MA, is Education Manager at Money Fit by DRS, Inc. (@MoneyFitbyDRS), a nationwide nonprofit financial wellness and credit counseling agency. Todd develops educational programs and produces materials that teach personal financial skills and responsibilities to all ages. Having facilitated nearly two thousand workshops since 2004 on the fundamentals of effective money management, he based his first book, Everyday Money for Everyday People (2014), on the discussions, tips, stories and ideas shared by the tens of thousands of individuals and couples in attendance.Jake McKenzie is the Content Manager at Auto Accessories Garage (@aagarage), a fast-growing, family-owned online retailer of automotive parts and accessories. He manages all written content for the website including research guides, product descriptions, and other informative articles. He also enjoys attending the annual SEMA Show, the premier automotive specialty products trade event held every November in Las Vega s. Jake often lends his opinions and expertise to a variety of online blogs, websites, and news sources.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
If We Were to Overthrow the Current Political System, What...
It is very hard to find a political philosopher who is able to give a complete and fulfilling explanation of society. Theories are simply models to first analyze and then improve society. Hence, since many variables affect them, they are not objective, neither are all-encompassing. It is also necessary to draw a distinction between concrete solutions, which could be valid in real life, and desirable solutions, which could be imprecise relatively to some starting conditions. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that the role of policymakers is not to define factual rules just to maintain the status quo. Since they should vote laws with the purpose of improving our lives, only a normative, and even utopian, conception can change the†¦show more content†¦Some of them came up with impressive ideas which are still debated today. Even though some theories may seem more effective, they all show both fine and pointless arguments. However, reproducing reality dynamics, through a philosophical theory, results impossible because in the real world many variables contribute to create a complex system. Rousseau starts assuming that human beings are better than how others philosophers, like Hobbes and Locke, describe them. They depict human beings in the state of nature on the influence of their conception of society. Hobbes, for instance, lived at the time of the civil war, which caused the death of many friends of his. In this paradisiacal state of nature provided by Rousseau, men are neither good nor bad. They live on their own; they are compassionate with others and have enough resources for what they desire. However, human beings do not accept to live alone for a long time. Once their needs and difficulties increased, interactions become more difficult. Culture derives from interactions, precisely different cultures which do not overlap exactly. For the first time, men experience selfishness, caused either by their desires or by worries about reputation. When men say â€Å"This is mine†, which means to invent the concept of property, conflicts start. Society and property, two concepts strictly linked, are considered the original sin. Property leads to ambition, corruptionShow MoreRelatedRadical and Reform Movements in American History1999 Words  | 8 Pagesof states rights. However, it quickly escalated into an issue of the legality and morality of slavery and once that was deemed amoral and illegal, the overthrow of the system that benefited from the institution the most was attacked. Consequently, the movement that responded to that overthrow sought to change the reasons for the radical overthrow. This response or rather reform manifested itself the Civil Rights Movement (1890s-1920). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Platos Republic Essay - 896 Words
Platos Republic â€Å"the having and doing of one’s own and what belongs to one would be agreed to be justice.†(The Republic 434a) In other words the above statement means that justice, according to Plato, is doing only the tasks assigned to them by nature. This is the fundamental notion for his creation of an ideal city. It is both knowing what true justice is and where one belongs in the city that the ideal can be achieved. What this means to politics in the ideal city is that only a certain class of person has the ability to engage in politics, just as only a certain person has the ability to engage in carpentry. Those who engage in politics would be the philosophers because just as the ideal individual searches for†¦show more content†¦A third class, auxiliaries, would be in charge of carrying out what the philosophers, guardians of the city, decided. However, Plato does admit that this system is a hierarchy with the philosophers at the top, but he allows this bec ause they are the only ones who can find universal truths and pass it on to those who cannot see it. To Plato the above is his vision of a justice. Within his idea of justice, Plato also has three other virtues to help categorize those within the city and find justice in the city itself- wisdom, courage, and moderation, all ideals that would sustain the city and nurture it. Wisdom is found in the philosophers, courage in the auxiliaries, and moderation found in all classes. Philosophers need wisdom and the need to know what justice is. The auxiliaries, say soldiers, need courage to protect the interests of the city. Finally, all classes need to demonstrate moderation so as not to develop injustices through excess luxury, the only luxury that a city can have is philosophizing. These virtues, if found in a city, can also help one to distinguish it as a just city. 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The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove Chapter 16~18 Free Essays
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Sunday, April 26, 2020
The Classroom Can Learn a Lot from the Racetrack Essay Example For Students
The Classroom Can Learn a Lot from the Racetrack Essay The Classroom Can Learn a Lot from the RacetrackAs years pass, more and more students are putting school on a lower and lower priority. School just doesnt seem that important anymore. Students feel as if they dont need to try as hard. Students have lost their zeal for schoolwork for a variety of reasons. The first is that they see little or no benefit or cost to not trying. Others just dont care. There are many ways for the school system to help all of these aspects. First, lets look at something that does work. In sports, athletes try their very best and put great amounts of time and effort into the game. Why does this happen? The environment in athletics is a lot different from the environment in the classroom. Coaches have a passion for the sport they are in and they show it. When athletes do well, the coach lets them know it and constantly pushes them to do better.In a sport the coach would give comments such as Wow! A 12:14 for that two-miler? Keep going like that and you could break twelve minutes by the end of the season! Other athletes are quick to follow to praise the athlete. The athletes also receive recognition, through bulletin boards, medals, even plaques at times. Through these methods, much importance is put into doing well. We will write a custom essay on The Classroom Can Learn a Lot from the Racetrack specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The classroom, however, is much different. Too many times do I see teachers with the Heres the work. Heres how to do it. Now do it, method. Teachers show no passion for what they are teaching, so why should students do the same for what they are learning? When students do not turn in the work, the same thing happens to students who do: nothing. Nothing is done either way. How many times have teachers said, Great job! You got a B on that last test! Keep going like that and you could make an A on the next one! How many times have teachers let students know that they expect better than what theyre getting from the student? Whether the student does good or bad, there is very little benefit or consequence that they see. For over two months of working hard or over two months of doing absolutely nothing, for one day, students will only see a quarter report card. Compare that to the amount of praise and pep talks a coach gives an athlete in just a season. What kind of recognition do the stud ents get for months of hard work? A sheet of paper, compared to the trophies and medals that athletes get. Now, which one gets more emphasis: school or sports? Which one should get more emphasis?What should be done about this? The way the brain works is simple. I do this. Something bad happens. I dont do it again. I do this. Something good happens. I do it again. More often than not, this is the case. Teachers should praise students who are doing well and let other students know the mistake theyre making when theyre not doing well. In a class Ive had my freshman year, a teacher would go up to each student to collect homework. Students showing no homework would get a quick and effective lecture, in front of the whole class. Immediately, the next day, more students did homework. As simple as it sounds, the process does work. Teachers should also show passion for the subject. They should let students know the importance of the subject to them, so that students will understand why they are learning it. This could give students a reason, which many lack, for learning. .uc1fe785bf66f990f5ce782af3f7b277b , .uc1fe785bf66f990f5ce782af3f7b277b .postImageUrl , .uc1fe785bf66f990f5ce782af3f7b277b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc1fe785bf66f990f5ce782af3f7b277b , .uc1fe785bf66f990f5ce782af3f7b277b:hover , .uc1fe785bf66f990f5ce782af3f7b277b:visited , .uc1fe785bf66f990f5ce782af3f7b277b:active { border:0!important; } .uc1fe785bf66f990f5ce782af3f7b277b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc1fe785bf66f990f5ce782af3f7b277b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc1fe785bf66f990f5ce782af3f7b277b:active , .uc1fe785bf66f990f5ce782af3f7b277b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc1fe785bf66f990f5ce782af3f7b277b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc1fe785bf66f990f5ce782af3f7b277b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc1fe785bf66f990f5ce782af3f7b277b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc1fe785bf66f990f5ce782af3f7b277b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc1fe785bf66f990f5ce782af3f7b277b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc1fe785bf66f990f5ce782af3f7b277b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc1fe785bf66f990f5ce782af3f7b277b .uc1fe785bf66f990f5ce782af3f7b277b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc1fe785bf66f990f5ce782af3f7b277b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Frado Our Nig EssayAfter a race, an athletes place and time is shown. The athlete sees how well he or she did and works harder next time to improve that. The top runners get recognition. The classroom should also run in this fashion. Grades should be posted regularly and according to rank. That way, students would try harder to improve their rank. As cruel as it seems, names instead of ID numbers should be posted as well. That way, students that do well will get some recognition from their peers. Students that dont
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